
A simple functional toolbelt for Objective-C

Asterism is a yet another functional toolbelt for Objective-C. It tries to be typesafe and elegant.

Using common higher-order functions such as map, reduce and filter, Asterism allows you to manipulate Foundation's data structures with ease.

It makes use of overloaded C-Functions to keep its interface simple while maintaining compile-time safety. For instance, ASTEach takes different blocks depending on the data structure it operates on:

ASTEach(@[ @"a", @"b", @"c" ], ^(NSString *letter) {
    NSLog(@"%@", letter);

ASTEach(@[ @"a", @"b", @"c" ], ^(NSString *letter, NSUInteger index) {
    NSLog(@"%u: %@", index, letter);

ASTEach(@{ @"foo": @"bar" }, ^(NSString *key, NSString *value) {
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", key, value);

How does Asterism compare to BlocksKit or ObjectiveSugar?

Both BlocksKit and Objective-Sugar rely on categories, this means they can't create methods that operate on protocols, such as NSFastEnumeration. Asterism is currently exclusively using overloaded C-Functions.

BlocksKit also adds optional additional block-support to a wide range of UIKit classes, whereas Asterism's focus is data structures.

That being said, both are well tested and written by smart people. If Asterism should not be your thing, do check them out.

How to install Asterism

The recommended way to install Asterism is using the excellent CocoaPods:

pod 'Asterism', '1.0.0-RC3'

Alternatively, you can find the code on GitHub.
Asterism was written by Robert Böhnke and is MIT licensed.


BOOL ASTAll(NSDictionary *dict, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Tests if all values in a dictionary pass a test.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes a value of dict as its only argument and returns YES if the value passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns YES if all values in dict pass the test block.

BOOL ASTAll(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Tests if all elements in a collection pass a test.

  • collection

    A collection of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns YES if all elements in collection pass the test block.


BOOL ASTAny(NSDictionary *dict, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Tests if any value in a dictionary passes a test.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes a value of dict as its only argument and returns YES if the value passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns YES if any of the values in dict passes the test block.

BOOL ASTAny(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Tests if any element in a collection passes a test.

  • collection

    A collection of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns YES if any of the elements in collection passes the test block.


NSDictionary *ASTDefaults(NSDictionary *dict, NSDictionary *defaults)

Fills in missing values from another dictionary.

  • dict

    A dictionary.

  • defaults

    A dictionary of default values.

Returns a new dictionary that contains a union of key-value-pairs of dict and defaults. Key-value-pairs of dict will have precedence over those taken from defaults.


NSArray *ASTDifference(NSArray *array, NSArray *other)

Returns the difference between two arrays.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • other

    An array of elements.

Returns an array containing the elements of array that are not present in other. The order is being maintained.

NSSet *ASTDifference(NSSet *set, NSSet *other)

Returns the difference between two sets.

  • set

    A set of elements.

  • other

    A set of elements.

Returns a set containing the elements of set that are not present in other.

NSOrderedSet *ASTDifference(NSOrderedSet *set, NSOrderedSet *other)

Returns the difference between two ordered sets.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

  • other

    An ordered set of elements.

Returns an ordered set containing the elements of set that are not present in other.


void ASTEach(NSArray *array, void(^iterator)(id obj))

Iterates over all elements of an array.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • iterator

    A block that takes an element as its only argument. The block must not be nil.

void ASTEach(NSArray *array, void(^iterator)(id obj, NSUInteger idx))

Iterates over all elements of an array, as well as their indexes.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • iterator

    A block that takes an element and its index in array as its arguments. The block must not be nil.

void ASTEach(NSDictionary *dict, void(^iterator)(id obj))

Iterates over all values of a dictionary.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • iterator

    A block that takes an element as its only argument. The block must not be nil.

void ASTEach(NSDictionary *dict, void(^iterator)(id key, id obj))

Iterates over all keys and values of a dictionary.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • iterator

    A block that takes a key and a value as its arguments. The block must not be nil.

void ASTEach(NSOrderedSet *set, void(^iterator)(id obj, NSUInteger idx))

Iterates over all elements of an ordered set, as well as their indexes.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

  • iterator

    A block that takes an element and its index in set as its arguments. The block must not be nil.

void ASTEach(id<NSFastEnumeration> enumerable, void(^iterator)(id obj))

Iterates over elements in a collection.

  • enumerable

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • iterator

    A block that takes an element as its only argument. The block must not be nil.


BOOL ASTEmpty(NSArray *array)

Returns YES if array is empty.

BOOL ASTEmpty(NSDictionary *dictionary)

Returns YES if dictionary is empty.

BOOL ASTEmpty(NSSet *set)

Returns YES if set is empty.

BOOL ASTEmpty(NSOrderedSet *set)

Returns YES if set is empty.

BOOL ASTEmpty(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection)

Returns YES if collection is empty.


NSDictionary *ASTExtend(NSDictionary *dict, NSDictionary *source)

Extends a dictionary with values from another dictionary.

  • dict

    A dictionary.

  • source

    A dictionary of extensions.

Returns a new dictionary that contains a union of key-value-pairs of dict and source. Key-value-pairs of source will have precedence over those taken from dict.


NSArray *ASTFilter(NSArray *array, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Filters out the elements of an array that fail a test.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns an array of all values in array that pass the test. The order is being maintained.

NSArray *ASTFilter(NSArray *array, BOOL(^block)(id obj, NSUInteger idx))

Filters out the elements of an array that fail a test.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as well as its index in array as its arguments and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns an array of all values in array that pass the test. The order is being maintained.

NSDictionary *ASTFilter(NSDictionary *dict, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Filters out the values of a dictionary that fail a test.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes a value of dict as its only argument and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns a dictionary of the keys and values in dict for which the values passed the test.

NSDictionary *ASTFilter(NSDictionary *dict, BOOL(^block)(id key, id obj))

Filters out the keys and values of a dictionary that fail a test.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes a key and a value of dict as its arguments and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns a dictionary of the keys and values in dict that passed the test.

NSSet *ASTFilter(NSSet *set, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Filters out the elements of a set that fail a test.

  • set

    A set of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns a set of all values in set that pass the test.

NSOrderedSet *ASTFilter(NSOrderedSet *set, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Filters out the elements of an ordered set that fail a test.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns an ordered set of all values in set that pass the test.

NSOrderedSet *ASTFilter(NSOrderedSet *array, BOOL(^block)(id obj, NSUInteger idx))

Filters out the elements of an ordered set that fail a test.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as well as its index in set as its arguments and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns an ordered set of all values in set that pass the test. The order is being maintained.


id ASTFind(NSArray *array, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Finds an element in an array.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns YES if it matches the search criteria. The block must not be nil.

Returns the first item in array for which block returns YES or nil if no such value was found.

id ASTFind(NSArray *array, BOOL(^block)(id obj, NSUInteger idx))

Finds an element in an array.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element and its index in array as its arguments and returns YES if this is they match the search criteria. The block must not be nil.

Returns the first item in array for which block returns YES or nil if no such value was found.

id ASTFind(NSDictionary *dict, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Finds a value in a dictionary.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes a value as its argument and returns YES if it matches the search criteria. The block must not be nil.

Returns any value in dict for which block returns YES or nil if no such value was found.

id ASTFind(NSDictionary *dict, BOOL(^block)(id key, id obj))

Finds a value in a dictionary.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes a key and its value as its arguments and returns YES if they match the search criteria. The block must not be nil.

Returns any value in dict for which block returns YES or nil if no such value was found.

id ASTFind(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Finds a value in a collection.

  • collection

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns YES if it matches the search criteria. The block must not be nil.

Returns a value in collection for which block returns YES or nil if no such value was found. If collection makes an order guarantee, ASTFind will return the first value matching the search criteria.


NSArray *ASTFlatten(NSArray *array)

Flattens an array a single level.

  • array

    An array of elements.

Returns a new array that concatenates all array elements in array while preserving non-array elements.


NSDictionary *ASTGroupBy(NSDictionary *dict, id<NSCopying> (^block)(id obj))

Groups the values of a dictionary using a block.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes a value of dict as its only argument and returns a key by which to group the value. The return value is required to implement NSCopying. The block must not be nil.

Returns a dictionary that maps the keys returned by block to a set of all values of dict that share the same key.

NSDictionary *ASTGroupBy(NSDictionary *dict, NSString *keyPath)

Groups the values of a dictionary by their value for a given key path.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • key path

    A key path for which the values of dict return either an object that implements NSCopying or nil. This parameter must not be nil.

Returns a dictionary that maps the keys that the values in dict return for keyPath to a set of all values of dict that share the same key.

NSDictionary *ASTGroupBy(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, id<NSCopying> (^block)(id obj))

Groups the elements in a collection using a block.

  • collection

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • block

    A block that takes an element in collection as its only argument and returns a key by which to group the element. The return value is required to implement NSCopying. The block must not be nil.


NSArray *numbers = @[ @1, @2, @3, @4, @5 ];

NSDictionary *grouped = ASTGroupBy(numbers, ^(NSNumber *number){
    return number.integerValue % 2 == 0 ? @"even" : @"odd";

grouped[@"even"]; // { @2, @4 }
grouped[@"odd"];  // { @1, @3, @5 }

Returns a dictionary that maps the keys returned by block to a set of all values in collection that share the same key.

NSDictionary *ASTGroupBy(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, NSString *keyPath)

Groups the elements in a collection by their value for a given key path.

  • collection

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • key path

    A key path for which the elements in collection return either an object that implements NSCopying or nil. This parameter must not be nil.


NSArray *numbers = @[ @"foo", @"bar", @"surprise" ];

NSDictionary *grouped = ASTGroupBy(numbers, @"length");

grouped[@3]; // { @"foo", @"bar" }
grouped[@8]; // { @"surprise" }

Returns a dictionary that maps the values the elements return for keyPath to a set of all values in collection that share the same key.


id ASTHead(NSArray *array)

Returns the first element of an array.

  • array

    An array of elements.

Returns the first element or nil if the array is empty.

id ASTHead(NSOrderedSet *set)

Returns the first element of an ordered set.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

Returns the first element or nil if the ordered set is empty.


NSDictionary *ASTIndexBy(NSDictionary *dict, id<NSCopying> (^block)(id obj))

Indexes the values of a dictionary using a block.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes a value of dict as its only argument and returns a key by which to index the element. The return value is required to implement NSCopying. The block must not be nil.

Returns a dictionary that maps the keys returned by block to the respective input value. If block returns the same value for multiple values, an arbitrary value is chosen.

NSDictionary *ASTIndexBy(NSDictionary *dict, NSString *keyPath)

Indexes the values of a dictionary by their value for a given key path.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • key path

    A key path for which the values of dict return either an object that implements NSCopying or nil. This parameter must not be nil.

Returns a dictionary that maps the values the elements return for keyPath to the respective input value. If multiple values return the same value for keyPath, an arbitrary element is chosen.

NSDictionary *ASTIndexBy(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, id<NSCopying> (^block)(id obj))

Indexes the elements of a collection using a block.

  • collection

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • block

    A block that takes an element in collection as its only argument and returns a key by which to index the element. The return value is required to implement NSCopying. The block must not be nil.


NSArray *strings = @[ @"foo", @"bar" ];

NSDictionary *indexed = ASTIndexBy(strings, ^(NSString *string){
    return @([string characterAtIndex:0]);

indexed[@"f"]; // @"foo"
indexed[@"b"]; // @"bar"

Returns a dictionary that maps the keys returned by block to the respective input value. If block returns the same value for multiple values, an arbitrary value is chosen.

NSDictionary *ASTIndexBy(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, NSString *keyPath)

Indexes the elements in a collection by their value for a given key path.

  • collection

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • key path

    A key path for which the elements in collection return either an object that implements NSCopying or nil. This parameter must not be nil.


NSArray *strings = @[ @"a", @"ab", @"abc" ];

NSDictionary *indexed = ASTIndexBy(strings, @"length");

indexed[@1]; // @"a"
indexed[@2]; // @"ab"
indexed[@3]; // @"abc"

Returns a dictionary that maps the values the elements return for keyPath to the respective input value. If multiple values return the same value for keyPath, an arbitrary element is chosen.


NSUInteger ASTIndexOf(NSArray *array, id obj)

Finds the index of an object in an array.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • obj

    The object to find.

Returns the first index of obj in array or NSNotFound if the object could not be found.

NSUInteger ASTIndexOf(NSOrderedSet *set, id obj)

Finds the index of an object in an ordered set.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

  • obj

    The object to find.

Returns the first index of obj in set or NSNotFound if the object could not be found.

NSUInteger ASTIndexOf(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, id obj)

Finds the index of an object in a collection.

  • collection

    A collection of elements.

  • obj

    The object to find.

Returns the first index of obj in collection or NSNotFound if the object could not be found. If collection does not make a guarantee regarding its order, such as NSSet or NSDictionary, the meaning of the return value is undefined.


NSArray *ASTIntersection(NSArray *array, NSArray *other)

Returns the intersection of two arrays.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • other

    An array of elements.

Returns an array containing the elements of array that are also present in other. The order is being maintained.

NSSet *ASTIntersection(NSSet *set, NSSet *other)

Returns the difference between two sets.

  • set

    A set of elements.

  • other

    A set of elements.

Returns a set containing the elements of set that are also present in other.

NSOrderedSet *ASTIntersection(NSOrderedSet *set, NSOrderedSet *other)

Returns the difference between two ordered sets.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

  • other

    An ordered set of elements.

Returns a set containing the elements of set that are also present in other. The order is being maintained.


NSArray *ASTMap(NSArray *array, id(^block)(id obj))

Maps a block across an array.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns a new element. The block must not be nil.

Returns an array that contains all values of array after block has been applied. If block returns nil, the element is not present in the returned array. The order is being maintained.

NSArray *ASTMap(NSArray *array, id(^block)(id obj, NSUInteger idx))

Maps a block across an array.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element and its index in array as its arguments and returns a new element. The block must not be nil.

Returns an array that contains all values of array after block has been applied. If block returns nil, the element is not present in the returned array. The order is being maintained.

NSDictionary *ASTMap(NSDictionary *dict, id(^block)(id obj))

Maps a block across a dictionary.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes a value as its only argument and returns a new value. The block must not be nil.

Returns a dictionary that contains all keys and values of dict after block has been applied to the value. If block returns nil, the key and value are not present in the returned dictionary.

NSDictionary *ASTMap(NSDictionary *dict, id(^block)(id key, id obj))

Maps a block across a dictionary.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes a key and a value as its arguments and returns a new value. The block must not be nil.

Returns a dictionary that contains all keys and values of dict after block has been applied to them. If block returns nil, the key and value are not present in the returned dictionary.

NSSet *ASTMap(NSSet *set, id(^block)(id obj))

Maps a block across a set.

  • set

    A set of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns a new element. The block must not be nil.

Returns a set that contains all values of set after block has been applied. If block returns nil, the element is not present in the returned set.

NSOrderedSet *ASTMap(NSOrderedSet *set, id(^block)(id obj))

Maps a block across an ordered set.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns a new element. The block must not be nil.

Returns an ordered set that contains all values of set after block has been applied. If block returns nil, the element is not present in the returned set. The order is being maintained.

NSOrderedSet *ASTMap(NSOrderedSet *array, id(^block)(id obj, NSUInteger idx))

Maps a block across an ordered set.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element and its index in set as its arguments and returns a new element. The block must not be nil.

Returns an ordered set that contains all values of set after block has been applied. If block returns nil, the element is not present in the returned set. The order is being maintained.


id ASTMin(NSDictionary *dict)

Returns the minimum of the values of a dictionary by invoking -compare:.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

Returns the minimum of the values of dict comparing all values by invoking -compare:.

id ASTMin(NSDictionary *dict, NSComparator comparator)

Returns the minimum of the values of a dictionary by using an NSComparator.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • comparator

    An NSComparator used to compare the values. This argument must not be nil.

Returns the minimum of the values of dict comparing all values using comparator.

id ASTMin(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection)

Returns the minimum of a collection by invoking -compare:.

  • collection

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

Returns the minimum of the collection by comparing all values by invoking -compare:.

id ASTMin(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, NSComparator comparator)

Returns the minimum of a collection by using an NSComparator.

  • collection

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • comparator

    An NSComparator used to compare the values. This argument must not be nil.

Returns the minimum of the collection by comparing all values using comparator.


id ASTMax(NSDictionary *dict)

Returns the maximum of the values of a dictionary by invoking -compare:.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

Returns the maximum of the values of dict comparing all values by invoking -compare:.

id ASTMax(NSDictionary *dict, NSComparator comparator)

Returns the maximum of the values of a dictionary by using an NSComparator.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • comparator

    An NSComparator used to compare the values. This argument must not be nil.

Returns the maximum of the values of dict comparing all values using comparator.

id ASTMax(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection)

Returns the maximum of a collection by invoking -compare:.

  • collection

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

Returns the maximum of the collection by comparing all values by invoking -compare:.

id ASTMax(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, NSComparator comparator)

Returns the maximum of a collection by using an NSComparator.

  • collection

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • comparator

    An NSComparator used to compare the values. This argument must not be nil.

Returns the maximum of the collection by comparing all values using comparator.


BOOL (^ASTNegate(BOOL(^block)(id)))(id)

Negates a block.

  • block

    takes a single argument of type id and returns a BOOL. This argument must not be nil.

Returns a new block of the same type that returns the opposite of what block returns.

BOOL (^ASTNegate(BOOL(^block)(id, id)))(id, id)

Negates a block.

  • block

    takes two arguments of type id and returns a BOOL. This argument must not be nil.

Returns a new block of the same type that returns the opposite of what block returns.

BOOL (^ASTNegate(BOOL(^block)(id, NSUInteger)))(id, NSUInteger)

Negates a block.

  • block

    takes an argument of type id and one of type NSUInteger and returns a BOOL. This argument must not be nil.

Returns a new block of the same type that returns the opposite of what block returns.


NSDictionary *ASTPick(NSDictionary *dict, NSArray *keys)

Picks the elements of a dictionary that are contained in a given array.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • keys

    An array of keys to pick.

Returns a dictionary of the keys and values in dict for which the keys are contained in keys.


NSDictionary *ASTPluck(NSDictionary *dictionary, NSString *keyPath)

Extracts a value for a given key path from all values of a dictionary.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • keyPath

    A key path. This argument must not be nil.

Returns a dictionary mapping the original keys to the values that the values in dict return for keyPath. If a value returns nil when invoked with -valueForKeyPath:, it is not present in the returned dictionary.

NSArray *ASTPluck(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, NSString *keyPath)

Extracts a value for a given key path from all elements in a collection.

  • collection

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • keyPath

    A key path. This argument must not be nil.

Returns an array of the values that the elements in collection return for keyPath. If an element returns nil when invoked with -valueForKeyPath:, it is not present in the returned array. If possible, the order is being maintained.


id ASTReduce(NSDictionary *dict, id(^block)(id memo, id obj))

Reduces a dictionary to a single value.

  • dict

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • block

    A block that takes two arguments and returns an object. The first argument is its last return value or a value of dict when it is called for the first time. The second argument is the next value of dict. The block must not be nil.

Returns the last return value of block once it reached the end of dict. If dict has only one value, block is never invoked and that value. If dict is empty, nil is returned.

id ASTReduce(NSDictionary *dict, id memo, id(^block)(id memo, id obj))

Reduces a dictionary to a single value.

  • dict

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • memo

    The first argument to block when it is invoked for the first time.

  • block

    A block that takes two arguments and returns an object. The first argument is its last return value or memo when it is called for the first time. The second argument is the next value of dict. The block must not be nil.

Returns the last return value of block once it reached the end of dict. If dict is empty, memo is returned.

id ASTReduce(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, id(^block)(id memo, id obj))

Reduces a collection to a single value.

  • collection

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • block

    A block that takes two arguments and returns an object. The first argument is its last return value or the first element in the collection when it is called for the first time. The second argument is the next value in the collection, starting with the second one. The block must not be nil.


NSString *(^concat)(NSString *, NSString *) = ^(NSString *a, NSString *b) {
    return [a stringByAppendingString:b];

// Equivalent to [@"a" stringByAppendingString:@"b"];
ASTReduce(@[ @"a", @"b" ], concat);

// Equivalent to [[@"a" stringByAppendingString:@"b"] stringByAppendingString:@"c"];
ASTReduce(@[ @"a", @"b", @"c" ], concat);

Returns the last return value of block once it reached the end of collection. If collection has only one element, block is never invoked and the first element is returned. If collection is empty, nil is returned.

id ASTReduce(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection, id memo, id(^block)(id memo, id obj))

Reduces a collection to a single value.

  • collection

    An object that implements NSFastEnumeration.

  • memo

    The first argument to block when it is invoked for the first time.

  • block

    A block that takes two arguments and returns an object. The first argument is its last return value or memo when it is called for the first time. The second argument is the next value in the collection, starting with the first. The block must not be nil.

Returns the last return value of block once it reached the end of collection. If collection is empty, memo is returned.


NSArray *ASTReject(NSArray *array, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Filters out the elements of an array that pass a test.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns an array of all values in array that fail the test. The order is being maintained.

NSArray *ASTReject(NSArray *array, BOOL(^block)(id obj, NSUInteger idx))

Filters out the elements of an array that pass a test.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as well as its index in array as its arguments and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns an array of all values in array that fail the test. The order is being maintained.

NSDictionary *ASTReject(NSDictionary *dict, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Filters out the values of a dictionary that pass a test.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes a value of dict as its only argument and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns a dictionary of the keys and values in dict for which the values failed the test.

NSDictionary *ASTReject(NSDictionary *dict, BOOL(^block)(id key, id obj))

Filters out the keys and values of a dictionary that pass a test.

  • dict

    A dictionary of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes a key and a value of dict as its arguments and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns a dictionary of the keys and values in dict that fail the test.

NSSet *ASTReject(NSSet *set, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Filters out the elements of a set that pass a test.

  • set

    A set of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns a set of all values in set that fail the test.

NSOrderedSet *ASTReject(NSOrderedSet *set, BOOL(^block)(id obj))

Filters out the elements of an ordered set that pass a test.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as its only argument and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns an ordered set of all values in set that fail the test.

NSOrderedSet *ASTReject(NSOrderedSet *set, BOOL(^block)(id obj, NSUInteger idx))

Filters out the elements of an ordered set that pass a test.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

  • block

    A block that takes an element as well as its index in set as its arguments and returns YES if the element passes the test. The block must no be nil.

Returns an ordered set of all values in set that fail the test. The order is being maintained.


NSArray *ASTShuffle(NSArray *array)

Shuffles an array.

  • array

    An array of elements.

Returns a copy of array shuffled using the Fisher-Yates shuffle.

NSOrderedSet *ASTShuffle(NSOrderedSet *set)

Shuffles an ordered set.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

Returns a copy of set shuffled using the Fisher-Yates shuffle.


NSUInteger ASTSize(NSArray *array)

The number of values in an array.

  • array

    An array of elements.

Returns the size of array.

NSUInteger ASTSize(NSDictionary *dictionary)

The number of values in a dictionary.

  • dictionary

    A dictionary of elements.

Returns the size of dictionary.

NSUInteger ASTSize(NSSet *set)

The number of values in a set.

  • set

    A set of elements.

Returns the size of set.

NSUInteger ASTSize(NSOrderedSet *set)

The number of values in an ordered set.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

Returns the size of set.

NSUInteger ASTSize(id<NSFastEnumeration> collection)

Counts the number of elements in a collection.

  • collection

    A collection of elements.

Returns the size of collection in O(n).


NSArray *ASTSort(NSArray *array)

Sorts an array using -compare:.

  • array

    An array of elements.

Returns a copy of array, sorted using -compare:.

NSArray *ASTSort(NSArray *array, NSComparator comparator)

Sorts an array using a custom comparator.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • comparator

    An NSComparator used to compare the values. This argument must not be nil.

Returns a copy of array, sorted using comparator.

NSOrderedSet *ASTSort(NSOrderedSet *set)

Sorts an ordered set using -compare:.

  • set

    An array of elements.

Returns a copy of set, sorted using -compare:.

NSOrderedSet *ASTSort(NSOrderedSet *set, NSComparator comparator)

Sorts an ordered set using a custom comparator.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

  • comparator

    An NSComparator used to compare the values. This argument must not be nil.

Returns a copy of set, sorted using comparator.


NSArray *ASTTail(NSArray *array)

Returns all elements of an array after the first one.

  • array

    An array of elements.

Returns all elements after the first one. If the array has less than one element, an empty array is returned.

NSOrderedSet *ASTTail(NSOrderedSet *set)

Returns all elements of an ordered set after the first one.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

Returns all elements after the first one. If the set has less than one element, an empty ordered set is returned.


NSArray *ASTUnion(NSArray *array, NSArray *other)

Returns the union of two arrays.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • other

    An array of elements.

Returns an array containing all elements of array, concatenated with all elements of other not already present in array. The order is being maintained.

NSSet *ASTUnion(NSSet *set, NSSet *other)

Returns the union two sets.

  • set

    A set of elements.

  • other

    A set of elements.

Returns a set containing the elements of set and other.

NSOrderedSet *ASTUnion(NSOrderedSet *set, NSOrderedSet *other)

Returns the union of two ordered sets.

  • set

    An orderd set of elements.

  • other

    An orderd set of elements.

Returns an orderd set containing all elements of set, concatenated with all elements of other not already present in set. The order is being maintained.


NSArray *ASTWithout(NSArray *array, id obj)

Filters out the elements of an array that are equal to a given value.

  • array

    An array of elements.

  • obj

    An element to be removed.

Returns an array of all values in array that are not equal to obj. The order is being maintained.

NSSet *ASTWithout(NSSet *set, id obj)

Filters out the elements of a set that are equal to a given value.

  • set

    A set of elements.

  • obj

    An element to be removed.

Returns a set of all values in set that are not equal to obj.

NSOrderedSet *ASTWithout(NSOrderedSet *set, id obj)

Filters out the elements of an ordered set that are equal to a given value.

  • set

    An ordered set of elements.

  • obj

    An element to be removed.

Returns an ordered set of all values in set that are not equal to obj. The order is being maintained.